Manhattan Business Hotel VIP Card Application
*姓名Full Name |
生 日Birth Date |
*国籍Nationality |
*性 别 Sex |
*身份证I.D card *护 照 Passport |
*公 司 Company |
家庭地址 Home Add |
公司地址 Company Add |
邮 编Postal code |
*电 话Telephone |
传 真 Fax |
*邮 箱 E-mail |
*申请卡类型 The application card |
VIP卡 VIP Card |
钻石卡 Diamond Card |
董事卡 Trustee Card |
*申请表来源 The application form comes |
前 台 Front desk |
网 络 Interconnection |
客房 Guest room |
其 他 Other |
以下部分由酒店填写This following will be filled in by hotel |
批准人Confirmed |
卡号码Card No. |
有效期 Validity date |
取卡签收 Signature |
Attention: Guests who on-line applies the VIP member, will get the 300 membership credit points.
The belt * content should be fill in,thanks.
1. 申请曼哈顿钻石卡,一次性支付20000元人民币,可获得22000元面值的曼哈顿钻石卡。
Applies for the Manhattan diamond card, disposable imitates 20,000 Yuan, may obtain 22,000 Yuan face values the Manhattan diamond cards.
Applies for the Manhattan trustee card, disposable imitates 50,000 Yuan, may obtain 60,000 Yuan face values the Manhattan trustee cards.
2. 入住酒店客房享有当日前台优惠房价的9折优惠。
You have a 10% discount room rate in the hotel.
3. 凭此卡在本酒店餐厅消费亦可享受9折优惠。
You have a 10% discount in the restaurant.
4. 此卡有效期为一年。
The period of validity is one year.
5. 请谨慎保管此卡,若遗失此卡请速挂失。
The card is not-transferable. If you lost your card please contact us immediately.
6. 此卡的优惠条款不可和其他促销活动的优惠条款同时共享。
You can’t enjoy the prerogative and sales promotion activity together.
7. 此卡不可做挂账使用,此卡的最终解释权归曼哈顿商务酒店所有。
The card can’t be used as credit card. Manhattan Business Hotel has the right to explain this card.
8. 凭此卡可在曼哈顿酒店集团旗下的任一酒店内消费,并享有当地酒店的VIP优惠,
You can enjoy VIP card treatment in any hotel of the Manhattan Hotel Group
Please contact the front desk receptionist.
9. 请将此申请表交到总台领取VIP卡。
Please hand in the application form to the front desk to get a VIP card.
日 期 Date:
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