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来源:职业餐饮网 发布时间:2009年11月18日 点击数: 收藏 讨论交流
R: The porter will keep your baggage free of charge, sir. And you’re welcome to rest in the lobby.
G: No. I insist on having a rest in the room.
R: Then, if you’ll wait a moment, please, sir? I’ll ask our manager to come and take care of your request.
Useful expressions: 常用表达方式
1、When a guest thanks you
-You are (most) welcome.
-That’s all right.
-Glad to be of service.
-My pleasure. (With pleasure, it’s a pleasure.)
2、When guest offer you something.
-No, thank you, you’re very kind.
-It’s very (awfully) kind of you, but no, thank you all the same.
3、When you thank other.
-Thanks (a lot).
-Thank you (very much, ever so much)
-Thank you for your
-I’m very much obliged to you.
-I’m very grateful to you.
4.What is your nationality, please?
5. What is your profession, pleas 阅读更多相关知识,返回【 酒店英语 】栏目列表