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来源:职业餐饮网 发布时间:2009年11月18日 点击数: 收藏 讨论交流
ing to today’s exchange rate, every dollar in cash is equivalent to 8.17 yuan. FEC. How much would you like to change, sir?
G: Well, I’ll change one hundred and here’s the money.
C: Would you please fill in this form?
G: All right.
C: Please write your name, passport number and room number on the slip.
G: Here you are.
C: Thank you. You’ll have it right away. Will you sign your name here on this memo?
G: Ok. Will you please give me some one-yuan notes/ I need some small change.
C: All right. Mr. Bellow, here it is. Please have a check and keep the exchange memo.
G: Oh, yes, thanks. By the way, can you tell me what I shall so with the FEC left with me?
C: You’ll have to go to the Bank Of China or the airport exchange office to change it back into dollars.
G: I see. Thanks.
C: You are welcome.
Change a room
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